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Data Consulting

We will help you find the best
solution for your project.

Our most innovative solutions come from working hand-in-hand with clients to develop solutions that do not yet exist in the market. If you have a complex data problem that you don't know how to solve, we can help.

How can we help develop solutions for you?

  • Choose the Correct Remote Sensing Tool

    Whether using underground rover systems, high-altitude manned aviation sensors, or UAVs, our team can help you determine the most cost-effective solution that will yield the most accurate results for your project.

  • Know How to Process Data

    Whether you currently use an existing software tool or platform, or need our team to develop a workflow, we can help you ingest our data so that it is usable for all stakeholders.

  • Scale & Deploy

    We have experience with multi-year and multi-team programs with locations throughout the country. Regardless of the size of your program, we can help you scale and deploy the correct solution for your project.

  • Project Management & Oversight

    Once our team has determined the proper solution for your project, our project managers can step in to ensure the success of your project. Whether it's a complex electric utility program, survey and land development project, or water resource analysis, we have a diverse background to help ensure your project is managed properly.

  • Acquisition, Processing, Consulting
    MLB AT&T Stadium

    Scans were completed at AT&T Park on December 16th with Flight Evolved field teams collecting approximately 32 scans of the stadium. The video below gives an overview of the infield scans and feature extraction points of interest. Below are also data files and measurements extracted by our processing teams.

  • Acquisition, Processing, Consulting
    High Accuracy UAV-borne LiDAR and Photogrammetry

    One of the most common questions we receive is: "How accurate is your data"? It comes as no surprise that many clients are interested in the quality of remote sensing data.

  • Processing, Acquisition, Consulting
    UAVs for Distribution LiDAR

    We often get asked how UAVs can best be utilized in the Utility industry. It is a multi-faceted answer, but I believe there are specific use cases that aren’t being considered that may change the way Utilities operate.

Let's Work Together

Let us know how we can help you
work with better, more accurate data.

Work With Us